Vale Bryan Bird
The North West Squash League is greatly saddened to hear of the passing of Bryan Bird.
As a Board member for several years, Bryan provided both stability and a common sense approach to the issues outlined and raised and underpinned his very long term commitment to this Sport.
Bryan’s intimate knowledge of Squash in Victoria allowed him to represent both the player’s perspective and the embedded synchronicity of the Venue Owner/Operator’s position. He presented an impartial, fair and valuable contribution to positively furthering Squash and Racquetball in Victoria.
Always prepared to ‘chat’ and most especially to listen, he was able to offeralternative viewpoints to what might be perceived as a singular issue partly because he was open minded and partly because of his phenomenal memory for precedent. His capacity to seek out information, get the best advice and consider the many alternatives enabled decision making to be fair-minded, just and personalised.
Bryan had an intimate knowledge of how each of our North West Venues and Clubs functioned and had established a sound and positive working relationship with each Operator. To this end he was well known and well regarded by our North West squash players most particularly those who played at the higher levels.
He contributedenormously to the smooth functioning of our League – constructing fixtures which had to meet quite specific requirements and was prepared to rework those fixtures many times to ensure that North West Clubs had the best possible draw to move forward each season.
His wisdom and input will be sorely missed by the entire Squash community but especially by the North West Squash League.
Lynne Spark
North West Squash League