Message from Lynne...
Thursday Competition - 18 Feb - Round 1
Please make sure your team members are up to speed with requirements especially Co Vid restrictions and they know that play is ON.
All play is at Essendon.
- You will have to check in with the QR code or manually so arrive slightly earlier than normal please.
- 8pm start
- The order of play will be 3, 2, 1 so it will be Play, Mark/Ref and leave( in the meantime I suspect there will be a lot of chat in trying to catch up with everyone)
Hoping to see everyone in Round 2 and beyond!
Midweek Competition - 22 Feb - Round 2
This competition will commence at ROUND 2 (we will try and make up our lost round 1 at the end of the season before the Semis)
We will therefore not have to change the fixture until June prior to the Semis pushing Finals back a week - let us see how we go with 'lockdowns' before we make any changes.
Please make sure your players are aware of the Round 2 start!
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